Wednesday, July 9, 2014

TOR @ LAA (7-8-14)

The Blue Jays were in town for a 3-game set against the Angels so I decided to go to one of the games in hopes of finally meeting Jose Bautista. I chose the second game since they were giving away a cowboy rally monkey and because R.A. Dickey was scheduled to pitch. I got to the stadium about 15 minutes after the stadium opened and I ran straight to the Blue Jays side in hopes of seeing Jose pregame. No one signed for either team until after BP, but during BP I was able to get a ball that went foul and bounced straight to me: 

After BP I made my way to the Blue Jays dugout and luckily Jose had just finished an interview and he began to sign. He started off signing balls and then went to cards and photos. After about 5 minutes I was able to get my card signed by him:

That was it for BP so after getting Jose I went to the bullpens to try and get some of the Blue Jays pitchers. When I got to the bullpen I noticed Jim Hill was there just finishing up an interview so I got to meet him and he was very friendly and talked to everyone: 

After that I waited for the pitchers to arrive. I had no luck with Dickey, and all of the relievers walked through a different entrance so I wasn't able to get either of them but I was able to get Josh Thole as he was leaving the bullpen for warm ups:

That was it for the day but overall it was pretty good since I finally got to meet Jose Bautista. Thanks to Jose and Josh for signing. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more to come soon.

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