Saturday, October 12, 2013

Paul Lo Duca & Shawn Green (EDCO Recycling and Transfer Collection Center) (10-12-13)

I heard about this signing a couple days ago and I knew there wouldn't be a big turn out since it wasn't highly advertised. I decided to check it out since it was from 11-1 and only like 20 minutes from my house. I ended up leaving late and got there at 11:45. There was about 20 people in front of me when I got there but the line went slow because they were taking pictures too. I finally got to the front of the line 15 minutes later and got Shawn Green to sweetspot my ROMLB and inscribe "4 HR's 5-23-02" and Paul Lo Duca to sweetspot another ROMLB for me and inscribe "4x All-Star":

Overall it was a great event and I'm glad I was able to add 2 more awesome autographs to my collection. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more to come.